Sam Sulek Height, Weight, Diet, & Workouts


Sam Sulek height, weight, diet, and workouts have become hot topics in the fitness world.


If you’ve been scrolling through social media lately, chances are you’ve come across this young bodybuilder who’s been making waves with his unique approach to fitness.

But who exactly is Sam Sulek? What’s the buzz all about? And why are so many people fascinated by his physical stats and training methods?

In the world of bodybuilding and fitness influencers, it’s not often that someone comes along and shakes things up quite like Sam has.


His journey, his methods, and his results have sparked intense debates and discussions across the internet.

Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or someone who’s just getting interested in fitness, Sam Sulek’s story is sure to intrigue you.

It raises questions about conventional wisdom in bodybuilding and challenges many long-held beliefs about diet and exercise.

Sam Sulek Height, Weight, Diet, & Workouts

Sam Sulek Height, Weight, Diet, Workouts



In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the world of Sam Sulek.

We’ll explore the facts, examine the controversies, and try to understand what makes his approach so captivating to so many people.

So, buckle up and get ready for an eye-opening journey into one of the most talked-about figures in today’s fitness scene.

Whether you end up inspired or skeptical, one thing’s for sure – you won’t look at bodybuilding the same way again after learning about Sam Sulek.


Who is Sam Sulek?

Sam Sulek is a young guy who’s made a big splash in the fitness world.

Here’s what you need to know about him:

  • He’s from Ohio, USA
  • He used to be a gymnast and competitive diver in high school
  • Now, he’s studying Mechanical Engineering at Miami University in Ohio
  • He started getting popular on TikTok with funny gym advice videos
  • In January 2023, he began sharing his “Spring Bulk” videos on YouTube
  • He quickly gained over 1 million YouTube subscribers

What makes Sam different from other fitness influencers? It’s his laid-back style:

  • He has long, messy hair
  • He often wears a worn-out hat
  • He likes oversized T-shirts and sweatpants
  • His videos feel real and unplanned, not fake or staged

Sam’s dedication to sharing his fitness journey has made him a role model for many young people who want to build muscle. But whether his advice is good to follow is up for debate. We’ll talk more about that later.


Sam Sulek Age

One thing that surprises many people about Sam Sulek is his age. Sam is only 22 years old. He celebrated his birthday in February.

This is pretty shocking when you look at his muscular body. Most guys his age are nowhere near as big or ripped as Sam. It’s one of the reasons so many people are interested in him.

A lot of folks are following Sam just to see how his body will change as he gets older. In the world of bodybuilding, 22 is still very young. Many professional bodybuilders don’t reach their peak until their late 20s or early 30s.

So, Sam’s age is a big part of why he’s so interesting to watch. People want to see how much more muscle he can build and how his physique will develop over time.


Sam Sulek Height

Sam Sulek Height

How tall is Sam Sulek? This is a question that’s caused some debate among his fans.

Let’s break it down:

  • Many websites say Sam is 5’11” (180 cm) tall
  • But when he stands next to other athletes, he looks a bit shorter
  • In a photo with Samson Dauda (a pro bodybuilder also listed as 5’11”), Sam appears shorter

Based on these comparisons, it seems Sam Sulek’s real height is probably around 5’10” (178 cm).


Here’s a quick comparison:

Person Listed Height Estimated Actual Height
Sam Sulek 5’11” (180 cm) 5’10” (178 cm)
Average American Male 5’9″ (175 cm) 5’9″ (175 cm)

So, even if Sam is a bit shorter than often reported, he’s still taller than the average American man. And in the world of bodybuilding, 5’10” is a pretty good height – not too tall, not too short.

Remember, height isn’t everything in bodybuilding. What matters more is how well-proportioned your muscles are and how your body looks overall. Sam’s height seems to work well for his muscular build.

Sam Sulek Weight

Sam’s weight is something he talks about openly in his videos. It’s changed a lot over time:

  • In high school, as a swimmer, Sam weighed about 160 lbs (72.5 kg)
  • When he started his “spring bulk” videos, he weighed 230 lbs (104 kg)
  • At his heaviest during bulking, Sam reportedly weighed 248 lbs (113 kg)

That’s a huge change! Sam has added almost 90 pounds of weight since high school. Most of that seems to be muscle, which is pretty impressive.

Here’s a quick look at Sam’s stats:

Measurement Value
Age 22 years old
Height 5’10” (178 cm)
Lowest Weight (cutting) 229 lbs (104 kg)
Highest Weight (bulking) 248 lbs (113 kg)
Estimated Body Fat 8-12%

One thing that stands out is Sam’s body fat percentage. Even at his heaviest, he stays very lean. This is unusual and has led many people to wonder if Sam uses steroids.

While Sam hasn’t talked openly about steroid use, many fitness experts think he probably does use them. Things like his rapid muscle gain, very low body fat, and some skin issues he’s had all point to possible steroid use.


It’s important to note that even with steroids, building a body like Sam’s takes a lot of hard work and good genetics. But for most people, gaining this much muscle while staying so lean would be almost impossible without drugs.

Sam Sulek Diet & Workouts

Now, let’s dive into the most interesting part – how Sam eats and trains to build his impressive physique.

Sam Sulek Bulking Diet

Sam’s bulking diet has caused a lot of talk in the fitness world. Why? Because it’s pretty extreme and not what most nutritionists would recommend. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Sam eats a lot of junk food when bulking
  • He focuses on high-carb, high-fat foods
  • He does include some whole foods and supplements
  • His goal is to eat about 5,000 calories a day when bulking

Here’s an example of what Sam might eat in a day when bulking:

Meal Quantity/Food Macros Calories
Pre-Cardio 2 eggs, cheese, oil, low-carb sauce, milk C 42g, F 11g, P 70g 547 calories
Post-Cardio 2 low-carb buns, salmon sushi C 56g, F 7g, P 18g 359 calories
Pre-Workout 3 low-carb bun, peanut butter sandwiches C 25g, F 10g, P 30g 310 calories
Post-Workout 25g dextrose, 1 scoop whey, 3 PB sammies C 36g, F 13g, P 45g 441 calories
Dinner 3 cups Carbmaster milk, Wendy’s Chicken C 76 g, F 20g, P 62g 732 calories
Snack 1 pack of fancy ramen C 66g, F 7g, P 8g 359 calories
Total C 301g, F 68g, 233g 2,748 calories

This diet is not healthy for most people. It’s very high in sugar and saturated fat. But Sam seems to be able to handle it, likely due to his age, activity level, and possible steroid use.

It’s important to note that Sam doesn’t claim to be a nutrition expert. He doesn’t tell people to copy his diet. For most people, eating like this would lead to quick fat gain and health problems.

Sam Sulek Cutting Diet

When Sam wants to lose fat and get more defined, he follows a cutting diet. This diet is a bit healthier than his bulking diet, but still not what most nutritionists would recommend. Here’s what it looks like:

  • Sam aims to eat about 2,500 calories a day when cutting
  • He includes some healthier foods but still eats a lot of processed food
  • He follows an “if it fits your macros” approach, meaning he doesn’t worry too much about food quality as long as he hits his calorie and protein goals

Here’s an example of Sam’s cutting diet:

Meal Food Calories
Pre-Cardio 2 eggs, cheese, oil, low-carb sauce, milk 547
Post-Cardio 2 low-carb buns, salmon sushi 359
Pre-Workout 3 low-carb bun, peanut butter sandwiches 310
Post-Workout 25g dextrose, 1 scoop whey, 3 PB sandwiches 441
Dinner 3 cups Carbmaster milk, Wendy’s Chicken 732
Snack 1 pack of fancy ramen 359
Total 2,748

This diet creates a big calorie deficit for Sam. For most people, such a big drop in calories would lead to muscle loss. But Sam seems to maintain his muscle mass, likely due to his genetics and possible steroid use.

Again, it’s important to note that this diet isn’t ideal for most people. It lacks a lot of important nutrients and relies heavily on processed foods.

Sam Sulek Workout Routine


Sam’s workout routine is more traditional than his diet. He follows a “bro split,” which means he focuses on one muscle group per workout. Here’s what his typical week might look like:

  • Monday: Legs
  • Tuesday: Chest
  • Wednesday: Back
  • Thursday: Arms
  • Friday: Shoulders
  • Saturday and Sunday: Rest or light cardio

Sam prefers low-volume, high-intensity training. This means he does fewer exercises and sets, but lifts very heavy weights. Here’s what a typical leg day might look like for Sam:

  1. Hamstring Curls: 3-4 sets
  2. Cable Romanian Deadlifts: 3-4 sets
  3. Heel Elevated Narrow Stance Squats: 3-4 sets
  4. Leg Extensions: 3-4 sets

Some key points about Sam’s workouts:

  • He lifts very heavy weights
  • His form is generally good, especially on squats
  • He doesn’t keep a workout log, which can make progress tracking harder
  • He sometimes could benefit from slower, more controlled movements

One impressive thing about Sam is his squat strength. He uses a very narrow stance and still lifts extremely heavy weights with good form.


Sam Sulek Social Media Accounts:


Sam Sulek is a fascinating figure in the world of bodybuilding and fitness influencers. At just 22 years old, standing about 5’10” and weighing up to 248 lbs when bulking, he’s built an impressive physique that’s caught the attention of millions.

His approach to diet and training is extreme:

  • He eats a lot of junk food, even when cutting
  • He follows a simple “bro split” workout routine
  • He lifts very heavy weights with good form
  • His results are likely influenced by genetics and possible steroid use

It’s important to remember that Sam’s methods aren’t recommended for most people. His diet, in particular, could lead to health problems for many individuals.

His workout routine, while more traditional, is still very intense and might be too much for beginners.


The key takeaways from Sam’s story are:

  • Building muscle takes time and hard work
  • Diet plays a huge role in bodybuilding success
  • Genetics and age can greatly influence results
  • What works for one person might not work for another

If you’re inspired by Sam’s physique, that’s great! But remember to approach your fitness journey responsibly. Consult with doctors and certified trainers, focus on a balanced diet, and progress slowly and safely in your workouts.

Sam Sulek’s story is still unfolding. As he continues to grow and develop in the world of bodybuilding, it will be interesting to see how his approach and physique change over time.

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