How To Cancel Genesis Health Club Membership?


Are you feeling stuck with your Genesis Health Club membership? Maybe you signed up with high hopes, but now it’s not quite working out.


Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many folks find themselves wondering “How to cancel Genesis Health Club membership?” It’s a common question, and we’re here to help you figure it out.

Canceling a gym membership can feel tricky, but it doesn’t have to be a workout in itself.

Whether you’re looking to save some cash, found a better fit elsewhere, or just need a break, you have options.


How To Cancel Genesis Health Club Membership?

How To Cancel Genesis Health Club Membership


In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to cancel your Genesis Health Club membership, nice and easy.

We’ll cover different ways to cancel – by phone, email, or in person.

We’ll also answer some common questions you might have about the process. Our goal is to make this as smooth as possible for you.


So, take a deep breath, and let’s get started on freeing you from that membership that’s no longer serving you.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear roadmap to cancel your Genesis Health Club membership and move on to whatever’s next for you.

How To Cancel Genesis Health Club Membership? Step By Step Process

Canceling your Genesis Health Club membership doesn’t have to be a workout in itself. Here’s a simple breakdown of the steps you can take:

  1. Decide on your cancellation method:
    • Phone call
    • Email
    • In-person visit
  2. Gather your information:
    • Your full name
    • Membership number
    • Contact details
  3. Reach out to Genesis Health Club:
    • Use the method you chose in step 1
  4. State your wish to cancel clearly
  5. Follow their instructions:
    • They might ask for more info
    • You might need to fill out a form
  6. Get confirmation:
    • Make sure they confirm your cancellation
  7. Check for any final payments:
    • Some memberships have a notice period
  8. Keep records:
    • Save any emails or documents about your cancellation

Remember, being polite but a firm can help the process go smoothly. Now, let’s look at each cancellation method in more detail.


How To Cancel Genesis Health Club Membership Over The Phone?

Calling to cancel your membership can be quick and easy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Find the right number:
    • Call Genesis Health Club at (316) 691-5060
  2. Prepare what you’ll say:
    • “Hello, I’d like to cancel my Genesis Health Club membership.”
  3. Have your info ready:
    • Full name
    • Membership number
    • Address
    • Any other details they might need
  4. Stay calm and clear:
    • Speak slowly and clearly
    • Be polite but firm about your decision
  5. Ask questions:
    • “When will my membership end?”
    • “Do I need to make any final payments?”
  6. Get confirmation:
    • Ask for an email confirming your cancellation
  7. Write down details:
    • Note the date and time of your call
    • Write down the name of the person you spoke to
  8. Follow up if needed:
    • If you don’t get a confirmation email, call back

Tips for a smooth phone cancellation:

  • Call during off-peak hours for shorter wait times
  • Have a pen and paper ready to take notes
  • If the rep tries to keep you as a member, stay firm in your decision
  • Be patient – the process might take a few minutes

How To Cancel Genesis Health Club Membership Via Email?

If you prefer writing to talking, email might be your best bet. Here’s how to cancel by email:

  1. Find the right email address:
  2. Write a clear subject line:
    • Example: “Cancellation Request for [Your Name]’s Membership”
  3. Start with a greeting:
    • “Dear Genesis Health Club Membership Services,”
  4. State your request clearly:
    • “I am writing to cancel my Genesis Health Club membership.”
  5. Include your details:
    • Full name
    • Membership number
    • Contact information
    • Any other relevant details
  6. Ask for confirmation:
    • “Please confirm that you have received this request and that my membership will be canceled.”
  7. End politely:
    • “Thank you for your assistance in this matter.”
  8. Sign off:
    • “Sincerely, [Your Name]”
  9. Proofread your email:
    • Check for typos or missing information
  10. Send and wait for a reply:
    • If you don’t hear back in a few days, follow up

Sample Email Template:


Subject: Cancellation Request for [Your Name]’s Membership

Dear Genesis Health Club Membership Services,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request the cancellation of my Genesis Health Club membership.

My details are as follows:
– Full Name: [Your Name]
– Membership Number: [Your Number]
– Contact Phone: [Your Phone]
– Email: [Your Email]


Please process this cancellation request as soon as possible. I would appreciate a confirmation email once the cancellation is complete.

If you need any additional information from me, please let me know.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

[Your Name]


Tips for effective email cancellation:

  • Keep your email short and to the point
  • Use a professional tone
  • Save a copy of the email you send
  • If you don’t get a reply within a week, send a follow-up email or call

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s answer some common questions about canceling your Genesis Health Club membership:

  • 1. How long does it take to cancel a Genesis Health Club membership?

The cancellation process usually takes a few days. You should get a confirmation within a week. If you don’t, follow up with the club.

  • 2. Can I cancel my membership online?

As of now, Genesis Health Club doesn’t offer online cancellations. You’ll need to call, email, or visit in person.

  • 3. Do I need to give a reason for canceling?

No, you don’t need to give a reason. It’s your choice to cancel, and you don’t have to explain why.

  • 4. Will I get a refund if I cancel in the middle of the month?

This depends on your specific contract. Some memberships might give a partial refund, while others might not. Ask about this when you cancel.

  • 5. Can I freeze my membership instead of canceling?

Genesis Health Club might offer a freeze option. This lets you pause your membership for a while instead of canceling. Ask about this if you’re interested.

  • 6. What if I signed up for a long-term contract?

Long-term contracts can be trickier to cancel. You might have to pay a fee to end it early. Check your contract or ask the club about this.

  • 7. Can I cancel for someone else, like a family member?

Usually, the person who signed up needs to cancel. If you’re trying to cancel for someone else, you might need their permission in writing.

  • 8. What if I move to a place with no Genesis Health Club?

If you move far from any Genesis Health Club, you might be able to cancel without fees. You’ll need to provide your new address.

  • 9. Can I rejoin later if I change my mind?

Yes, you can usually rejoin later. But you might not get the same deal you had before. Check with the club about current offers.

  • 10. What should I do if I have trouble canceling?

If you’re having problems, try these steps:

  • Speak to a manager at your local club
  • Write a formal complaint to the company
  • As a last resort, contact your local consumer protection office

Also Check:

Final Words:

Canceling your Genesis Health Club membership doesn’t have to be a hassle. Whether you choose to call, email, or visit in person, the key is to be clear, polite, and persistent.

Here are some final tips to remember:

  • Be sure: Make sure canceling is what you want before you start the process.
  • Be prepared: Have all your information ready before you contact the club.
  • Be patient: The process might take a little time, but stay calm and follow up if needed.
  • Keep records: Save any emails or documents about your cancellation. They might come in handy later.
  • Check your bank: After canceling, keep an eye on your bank account to make sure no more payments are taken out.

Remember, it’s your right to cancel a service you no longer want or need. Don’t feel bad about it! Genesis Health Club is a business, and they’re used to people coming and going.


If you’re canceling because you’re not happy with the gym, consider letting them know why. This feedback can help them improve their service to others.

Lastly, don’t let this experience put you off exercise altogether. There are many ways to stay fit and healthy, whether it’s joining a different gym, exercising at home, or trying outdoor activities. The most important thing is finding what works for you.

Good luck with your cancellation, and here’s to the next steps in your fitness journey!

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