Bally Total Fitness Membership Cost 2024


Hey, fitness fans! You might be wondering about Bally Total Fitness membership costs in 2024. Here’s the scoop: Bally Total Fitness gyms aren’t around anymore.


They closed down a few years back after some money troubles. But don’t worry! We can still learn from what Bally offered and use that info to find great gym deals today.

Bally was known for cheap memberships and lots of locations. While we can’t join Bally now, we can look for gyms with similar perks.

Bally Total Fitness Membership Cost 2024

Bally Total Fitness Membership Cost



Let’s dive into what Bally used to offer and how that compares to today’s fitness world.

A Quick Look at Bally Total Fitness

Back in 2007, Bally Total Fitness was huge.

They had:

  • 440 gyms
  • Spread across 29 U.S. states
  • Gyms in South Korea, China, Canada, and Mexico

At that time, Bally was the biggest fitness center owner in the world. That’s pretty cool, right?


But things didn’t stay sunny for Bally. They ran into money troubles and had to close down.

Now, a company called FAM Brands uses the Bally name to sell workout gear and clothes.

Even though Bally gyms are gone, lots of people still remember them. Let’s look at what made Bally special and why people joined.

Membership Options at Bally Total Fitness

Bally had two main ways to join:

  1. Annual Plan
  2. Month-to-Month Plan

Let’s break these down.

Annual Plan

Bally called their yearly plan the “All Access” membership. People who used to be members really liked this option when they wanted to start working out at Bally again.

What did you get with the Annual Plan?

  • Use of all gym stuff
  • A free “Best Start Workout” with a trainer
  • Same perks as Bay Club members

Month-to-Month Plan

Bally also lets people join month by month. We don’t know as much about this plan, but it was good for folks who didn’t want to commit to a whole year.


What Were the Bally Total Fitness Membership Costs?

Bally closed a while ago, so it’s hard to find exact prices. But we do know some things:

Annual Membership Plan

  • $200 to $250 per year
  • No sign-up fee

That’s pretty cheap! If you break it down, it’s only about $16 to $21 per month.

Monthly Membership Plan

  • $20 to $30 per month

Bally had a cool deal: you could add a friend or family member for just $19.99 more each month.


Let’s put this in a simple table:

Plan Type Cost Extra Info
Annual $200-$250/year No sign-up fee
Monthly $20-$30/month
Add a friend/family $19.99/month On top of your plan

What Could You Do at Bally Total Fitness?

Bally had gyms all over the place. They were in the 25 biggest city areas in the U.S. No other gym company was in that many places back then.

At Bally, you could find:

  • Lots of exercise machines
  • Swimming pools
  • Aerobics classes
  • Running tracks
  • Courts for games like racquetball

Thoughts on Bally Total Fitness Membership

Bally Total Fitness had some good things going for it:

  1. Cheap rates: If you paid for a whole year, it was only about $16-$17 per month. That’s a great deal!
  2. Lots of locations: With gyms all over the U.S. and even in other countries, it was easy to find a Bally near you.
  3. Good equipment: Members say the machines and weights were good quality.
  4. Helpful staff: Many people liked how nice and helpful the Bally workers were.
  5. Personal training: They offered one-on-one help for people who wanted it.

But, Bally also had some problems:

  1. Money troubles: In their last 5 years, Bally had a lot of financial issues.
  2. Lawsuits: The company got involved in some legal problems.
  3. Bankruptcy: Bally had to file for bankruptcy twice before finally closing down.

Even though Bally isn’t around anymore, we can learn from what they did right and wrong. If you’re looking for a gym today, keep these things in mind:

  • Price: Is it a good deal for what you get?
  • Location: Is it easy to get to?
  • Equipment: Do they have the machines and weights you want to use?
  • Staff: Are the workers helpful and knowledgeable?
  • Extra services: Do they offer things like classes or personal training if you want them?

Stay Connected with Bally Total Fitness

Even though Bally gyms are closed, the brand still exists for fitness equipment and clothing. You can follow them on social media for fitness tips and updates:

  • Bally Total Fitness Instagram
  • Bally Total Fitness Facebook
  • Bally Total Fitness Twitter

The Rise and Fall of Bally Total Fitness: A Timeline

Let’s take a quick trip through time to see how Bally Total Fitness grew and why it eventually closed down.

  • 1962: Bally Manufacturing starts making pinball machines.
  • 1983: Bally buys Health and Tennis Corporation of America, which owns the “Jack LaLanne” chain of health clubs.
  • 1996: Bally Total Fitness becomes its own company, separate from Bally Manufacturing.
  • 2007: Bally Total Fitness is at its peak:
  • 440 gyms
  • In 29 U.S. states and 4 countries
  • The biggest fitness center owner in the world
  • 2007 (December): Bally files for bankruptcy for the first time.
  • 2008 (July): Bally comes out of bankruptcy.
  • 2008 (December): Bally files for bankruptcy again.
  • 2009-2011: Bally sells off many of its gyms to other fitness companies.
  • 2016: The last Bally Total Fitness gyms close.
  • Today: FAM Brands uses the Bally name for fitness equipment and clothing.

What Went Wrong?

Bally Total Fitness had some big problems that led to its downfall:

  1. Too much debt: The company owed a lot of money.
  2. Tough competition: Other gyms started offering similar services for less money.
  3. Bad accounting practices: Bally got in trouble for how they handled their money.
  4. Unhappy customers: Some people didn’t like Bally’s sales tactics or how they handled memberships.
  5. Changing fitness trends: Bally didn’t keep up with new workout styles that became popular.

Lessons from Bally’s Story

Even though Bally Total Fitness isn’t around anymore, we can learn from what happened:

  1. Money matters: A company needs to manage its money well to stay in business.
  2. Listen to customers: Happy members keep coming back. Unhappy ones leave and tell others.
  3. Keep up with trends: The fitness world changes fast. Gyms need to offer what people want.
  4. Be honest: Good business practices are important for staying out of trouble.
  5. Don’t grow too fast: Sometimes, having fewer locations that work well is better than having lots of gyms that are hard to manage.

What to Look for in a Gym Today?

If you’re looking for a gym now, here are some things to think about:

  1. Cost: Is the price fair for what you get?
  2. Contract: Make sure you understand what you’re signing up for.
  3. Equipment: Do they have the machines and weights you want to use?
  4. Classes: If you like group workouts, check out what classes they offer.
  5. Cleanliness: A clean gym is a healthy gym.
  6. Staff: Friendly, helpful workers make working out more fun.
  7. Hours: Make sure the gym is open when you want to work out.
  8. Location: Is it easy to get to from home or work?
  9. Crowd: Visit at the time you’d usually work out to see how busy it is.
  10. Extra perks: Things like pools, saunas, or childcare might be important to you.

Remember, the best gym for you is one that you’ll use. It should fit your budget, your schedule, and your fitness goals.


Bally Total Fitness: By the Numbers

Let’s look at some interesting facts about Bally Total Fitness:

  • 440: The number of gyms Bally had at its peak in 2007
  • 29: The number of U.S. states where Bally had gyms
  • 4: The number of countries outside the U.S. where Bally had gyms (Canada, Mexico, South Korea, China)
  • 45: The approximate number of years Bally was in business (from 1962 to 2016)
  • $1.82 billion: Bally’s revenue in 2004, its best year
  • 4 million: The approximate number of members Bally had in 2007
  • 2: The number of times Bally filed for bankruptcy
  • $300 million: The amount of debt Bally had when it filed for bankruptcy the first time
  • $761 million: The amount of debt Bally had when it filed for bankruptcy the second time
  • 24,000: The approximate number of people Bally employed at its peak

These numbers show how big Bally Total Fitness was and how quickly things can change in the business world.

What Replaced Bally Total Fitness?

When Bally closed its gyms, other fitness companies stepped in. Here are some that took over old Bally locations or gained members when Bally closed:

  1. LA Fitness: Bought many Bally gyms in 2011
  2. 24 Hour Fitness: Took over some Bally locations
  3. Fitness International: Bought some Bally gyms
  4. Planet Fitness: Grew as Bally declined, offering low-cost memberships
  5. Local gyms: Some independent gyms moved into old Bally spaces

The Legacy of Bally Total Fitness

Even though Bally Total Fitness is gone, it left a mark on the gym world. Here’s how:


1. Affordable Fitness

Bally showed that gyms could be cheap and still offer good equipment. This idea lives on in budget-friendly gyms today.

2. Nationwide Access

Bally let members use any of their gyms across the country. Now, many big gym chains offer this perk.


3. Personal Training Focus

Bally put a lot of emphasis on personal training. This helped make one-on-one coaching a common gym feature.

4. Diverse Offerings

From weights to pools to classes, Bally offered lots of ways to work out. Today’s gyms often try to provide many options too.


5. Marketing Tactics

Bally was known for aggressive sales methods. While some people didn’t like this, it changed how gyms market themselves.

What Made Bally Total Fitness Stand Out?

Let’s dive deeper into what made Bally unique:

1. The “Total Fitness” Concept


Bally wasn’t just about lifting weights. They aimed to cover all aspects of fitness:

  • Cardio equipment
  • Weight training
  • Group classes
  • Swimming
  • Personal training
  • Nutrition advice

This “one-stop-shop” for fitness was a big draw for many people.

2. Locations, Locations, Locations

Bally had gyms everywhere:

  • Big cities
  • Small towns
  • Shopping centers
  • Standalone buildings

This made it easy for people to find a Bally gym near them.

3. Marketing and Promotions

Bally was known for its eye-catching ads and deals:

  • TV commercials with fit models
  • Radio ads promoting special offers
  • Newspaper inserts with coupons
  • Free trial periods

While some found these tactics pushy, they did get people’s attention.


4. Technology and Equipment

Bally tried to keep up with fitness tech trends:

  • New cardio machines with TV screens
  • Computerized tracking of workouts
  • Online membership management

5. Community Feel

Many Bally gyms had a sense of community:

  • Regular members who knew each other
  • Staff who remembered people’s names
  • Group classes that built friendships

Comparing Bally to Today’s Gyms

How do Bally’s features stack up against modern gyms? Let’s look:

Feature Bally Total Fitness Many Modern Gyms
Price Very affordable Varies (some cheaper, some pricier)
Locations Nationwide Often regional or local
Equipment Wide range Similar range, maybe newer tech
Classes Included in membership Sometimes extra cost
Personal Training Emphasized Available, often at extra cost
Pools Many locations had them Less common
Contract Length Often long-term More flexible options
24/7 Access Limited More common now
Child Care Some locations More common now
Online Features Basic Advanced (apps, video classes)

What Would Bally Look Like Today?

If Bally Total Fitness was still around, how might it be different? Let’s imagine:

  1. Digital Integration
    • An app for booking classes and tracking workouts
    • Virtual training options
    • Online nutrition planning
  2. Flexible Memberships
    • More short-term options
    • Ability to pause membership easily
  3. Boutique-Style Classes
    • Trendy workouts like HIIT, barre, or boxing
  4. Recovery Focus
    • Areas for stretching and foam rolling
    • Maybe even cryotherapy or massage services
  5. Eco-Friendly Practices
    • Energy-efficient equipment
    • Water bottle refill stations
  6. Community Events
    • Fitness challenges
    • Social mixers for members
  7. Improved Amenities
    • Fancier locker rooms
    • Healthy cafes or smoothie bars

Lessons for Gym-Goers

Bally’s story teaches us some things about choosing and using a gym:

  1. Read the Contract
    • Understand what you’re signing up for
    • Know how to cancel if you need to
  2. Use What You Pay For
    • Take advantage of all the gym’s offerings
    • Try classes, use different equipment
  3. Don’t Be Pressured
    • Take time to decide if a gym is right for you
    • It’s okay to say no to sales pitches
  4. Location Matters
    • Choose a gym that’s convenient to get to
    • You’re more likely to go if it’s easy to reach
  5. Consider Your Goals
    • Pick a gym that matches what you want to achieve
    • If you love classes, find a gym with lots of options

The Future of Fitness

As we remember Bally, let’s look at where the fitness world is heading:

  1. Home Workouts
    • Online classes and apps are booming
    • Home gym equipment is getting more advanced
  2. Boutique Studios
    • Specialized workouts like spin, yoga, or boxing
    • Often pricier but with a strong community feel
  3. Tech Integration
    • Wearable devices that track your progress
    • Virtual reality workouts
  4. Holistic Health
    • Gyms offering mental health support
    • Nutrition services alongside fitness
  5. Outdoor Fitness
    • More interest in hiking, running, and outdoor boot camps
    • Gyms might offer more outdoor options
  6. Flexible Pricing
    • Pay-per-visit options
    • Customizable memberships
  7. Senior Fitness
    • More programs for older adults
    • Focus on maintaining health and independence

Also Check:

Conclusion: The Bally Total Fitness Legacy

Bally Total Fitness may be gone, but its impact lives on. It showed us that fitness could be affordable and accessible to many people.

It brought gyms to neighborhoods across America and beyond.


While Bally had its problems, it also had loyal members who loved working out there.

The things people liked about Bally – affordable prices, lots of equipment, helpful staff – are still important in gyms today.

As you choose a gym or fitness program, think about what matters most to you.

Maybe it’s the price, like Bally’s cheap memberships. Or maybe it’s having lots of class options or nice equipment.


Remember, the best workout is one that you’ll do. Whether you join a big gym, a small studio, or exercise at home, the important thing is to stay active and healthy.

Bally Total Fitness might be a thing of the past, but its spirit lives on in every person who decides to get fit and live a healthier life.

So here’s to Bally, and here’s to your health!

Gym Bills Team

We are a team of fitness enthusiasts who have made it our mission to scout out the best gym deals globally and provide transparent pricing information to help you find affordable access to top-quality fitness facilities.

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