Club Pilates Cancellation Policy & Fee 2024


Club Pilates is a popular pilates studio chain that offers group classes and private sessions to help clients improve their fitness. As with any gym membership, sometimes situations change and members need to cancel their memberships or classes.


This article will provide a comprehensive overview of Club Pilates’ cancellation policies in 2024.

Club Pilates Cancellation Policy & Fee 2024

Club Pilates Cancellation Policy


Club Pilates Cancellation Policy & Fee 2024

Club Pilates allows members to cancel both class bookings and gym memberships, but there are policies and fees to be aware of. The key points are:

  • Class Cancellation: Notice must be given at least 12 hours before the scheduled class time, otherwise a $10 late cancel fee applies.
  • Membership Cancellation: Terms vary by studio. Memberships auto-renew until canceled.
  • Freeze Fee: $15 per month to temporarily freeze a membership.
  • Refunds: Payments are non-refundable. Members retain access until the end of the billing period when they cancel.

Below we’ll explore the cancellation policies and fees in more detail.

Club Pilates Class Cancellation Policy & Fee

To avoid fees, Club Pilates members must cancel class bookings at least 12 hours before the scheduled time. If notice is not given in time, a late cancellation fee applies:

  • Late Cancel Fee – $10 per class
  • Late Cancel Policy – The 12-hour notice policy applies to avoid the fee
  • Waitlist Cancellations – The same 12-hour policy and $10 fee apply if you cancel a waitlist booking

So in summary, give at least 12 hours’ notice to cancel any class without penalty.

Club Pilates Membership Cancellation Policy & Fee

Club Pilates membership terms vary depending on the studio location. Some key points:

  • Memberships auto-renew until canceled
  • Cancellation terms should be disclosed upon signup
  • Free trials may be offered, with billing starting after the trial period
  • Members are responsible for keeping payment information updated
  • Some payment methods have additional fees

There are four main ways to cancel a Club Pilates membership:

1. In-Person Cancellation

To cancel in person:

  1. Go to your Club Pilates studio
  2. Provide your name, contact details, membership ID
  3. Verify your identity
  4. Fill out a cancellation form and submit it to the staff

Make sure to double check the accuracy of all cancellation details submitted.

2. Online Cancellation

To cancel online:

  1. Log in to your account on
  2. Go to account settings and find the membership cancellation option
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions and confirm the cancellation
  4. Fill out the online cancellation form
  5. Check billing statements to ensure cancellation confirmation

Be sure to save the online confirmation messages for your records.

3. Cancellation Through Mobile App

You can also cancel via the Club Pilates app:

  1. Open the app and log in to your account
  2. Tap your profile icon and select Account settings
  3. Choose “Cancel Membership”
  4. Confirm identity and reason for cancellation
  5. Review and accept cancellation terms
  6. Submit cancellation request
  7. Save app confirmation message
  8. Verify billing stops by checking statements
  9. Contact support if any billing issues

As with online cancellations, save confirmations and monitor billing closely.

4. Cancellation Via Customer Service

For help canceling, contact Club Pilates customer support:

  1. Visit the “Contact Us” page at
  2. Submit the contact form with your details
  3. A support rep will call you to assist with cancellation
  4. Work with the rep to complete cancellation steps

They can guide you through any of the above cancellation methods.

Tips for Cancelling Membership Smoothly:

  • Understand the membership agreement fully
  • Contact the studio with questions
  • Keep copies of paperwork and documents
  • Carefully monitor billing statements
  • Plan and confirm options in advance

Club Pilates Refund Policy

According to Club Pilates’ refund policy, all payments are non-refundable. Specific details may vary depending on the studio. Main points:

  • Access will continue until the end of the final billing period when you cancel.
  • Credits may be offered at the discretion of the studio.
  • Canceling membership does not affect other Xponential Fitness purchases.

So in summary – access will continue until the billing period expires, but no refunds will be given.

Club Pilates Membership Freeze Policy & Fee

Instead of fully canceling, Club Pilates members can temporarily “freeze” memberships while retaining member status. Examples where this may apply:

  • Temporarily relocated
  • Long vacations
  • Medical reasons

To freeze a membership, there is a $15 monthly freeze fee. Other key points:

  • Eligibility criteria may apply
  • Can freeze for 30+ days, typically up to 3 months
  • Check with the studio for freeze policy specifics

So for $15 per month, you can freeze your access without fully canceling.

Can You Cancel Club Pilates at Any Time?

Yes, Club Pilates memberships can be cancelled at any time by following one of the 4 main methods outlined earlier:

  1. In-person
  2. Online
  3. Mobile app
  4. Customer support

Just remember payments are non-refundable and access continues until the end of billing. Act promptly to avoid being charged again.


Key Points – Club Pilates Membership Cancellation

  • Four options to cancel: in-person, online, app, support
  • Can also freeze for a $15 monthly fee
  • Non-refundable once paid
  • Access continues until the billing period expires
  • The exact terms depend on the studio
  • Monitor billing closely after canceling
  • Save confirmations and paperwork

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How much notice do I need to give to cancel a class booking?

A: You must cancel at least 12 hours before the scheduled class time to avoid a $10 late cancellation fee.

  • Q: Where can I find my membership agreement terms?

A: Your specific membership agreement with cancellation policy details would have been provided upon signup. Check with your studio for a copy.

  • Q: What if I have auto-payments set up?

A: If you cancel via any of the 4 main methods, auto-payments will be stopped. But monitor bank statements closely for 1-2 billing cycles to ensure no errors.

  • Q: Can I get a refund if I decide to cancel?

A: No – Club Pilates payments and membership fees are strictly non-refundable no matter when you cancel or how much unused time is left.

  • Q: What happens if my payment information expires?

A: You are responsible for ensuring payment details stay current. If they expire, your membership may be terminated resulting in an early cancellation fee.

  • Q: Can I rejoin after canceling?

A: Yes, you can sign up for a new membership after a prior one is canceled. But cancellation fees may apply and rates may have changed.

  • Q: Will canceling affect my ClassPass membership?

A: No, ClassPass and Club Pilates are separate – canceling one won’t impact the other. Handle each cancellation independently.

  • Q: What if I move – can I transfer my membership?

A: Check with your studio – some locations may allow membership transfers if you move nearby. But additional fees may apply.

  • Q: When does cancellation take effect?

A: Your membership access will continue until the end of the current billing period when you cancel. So make sure to cancel ahead of the renewal date.

Also Check: Club Pilates Pricing

Final Verdict

Club Pilates makes it relatively simple for members to cancel class bookings and gym memberships through various methods. The policies are fairly member friendly.

Just remember to monitor billing after cancellation, save confirmations, and be aware there are no refunds or transfers.


Planning goes a long way to a smooth cancellation process.

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