SoulCycle NYC Pricing, Classes and Everything You Need to Know


Have you heard about SoulCycle? It’s the talk of the town in New York City! Picture this: a dark room lit by candles, music pumping, and a group of people riding bikes like there’s no tomorrow. That’s SoulCycle for you!


This fitness craze has taken NYC by storm. It’s not just about working out; it’s about feeling good and having fun while you sweat. People love it because it’s more than just exercise – it’s like a party on a bike!

But here’s the thing: SoulCycle isn’t cheap. It costs more than your average gym class. So, is it worth the money? That’s what we’re here to figure out.

SoulCycle NYC Pricing

SoulCycle NYC Pricing



By the end of this, you’ll know if SoulCycle is right for you. So, let’s get spinning!

Is SoulCycle a Good Workout?

Let’s cut to the chase – yes, SoulCycle is a really good workout. But what makes it so special? Let’s break it down:

  1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
    • SoulCycle uses HIIT, which means you work super hard for a short time, then rest a bit, then work hard again.
    • This kind of workout burns a lot of calories and keeps your heart healthy.
    • You might sprint on the bike, then slow down, then sprint again.
  2. Full-Body Workout
    • It’s not just about your legs! SoulCycle works your whole body.
    • You use weights to work your arms and shoulders.
    • The core (your stomach muscles) gets a good workout too.
  3. Mind-Body Connection
    • SoulCycle isn’t just about the body; it’s about the mind too.
    • The instructors say inspiring things to keep you motivated.
    • The dark room and candles help you focus on yourself.
  4. Calorie Burn
    • In just 45 minutes, you can burn about 500 calories!
    • That’s as much as running for the same amount of time.
  5. Mood Booster
    • Exercise makes your brain release feel-good chemicals called endorphins.
    • Many people say they feel happier and less stressed after a SoulCycle class.

Why People Love It:

  • It’s fun! The music and atmosphere make it feel more like a party than a workout.
  • You feel like part of a team. Everyone’s working hard together.
  • It’s challenging but in a good way. You’ll feel proud of yourself after class.

A Word of Warning: If you’re new to exercise or haven’t worked out in a while, SoulCycle might feel hard at first. Your legs might be sore the next day.


But don’t worry – that’s normal! Your body will get used to it over time.

So, is SoulCycle a good workout? Absolutely! It’s a great way to get fit, have fun, and feel good about yourself. Just remember to listen to your body and go at your own pace.

How Long Are SoulCycle NYC Classes?

When it comes to SoulCycle classes in NYC, timing is everything. Let’s break down the different class lengths:

Standard Class: 45 Minutes

  • This is the most common SoulCycle class.
  • Here’s how a typical 45-minute class is structured:
    1. Quick warm-up (about 5 minutes)
    2. Main cycling workout (about 35 minutes)
    3. Cool down and stretch (about 5 minutes)

Short and Sweet: 30 Minutes

  • Called “Soul30”, these classes are perfect if you’re short on time.
  • They pack all the energy of a full class into half an hour.
  • Great for lunch breaks or busy days.

Special Events: 60-90 Minutes

  • Sometimes, SoulCycle hosts longer rides for special events or charity.
  • These aren’t as common but can be a fun challenge.

Why 45 Minutes? SoulCycle chose 45 minutes as their standard class length for good reasons:

  • It’s long enough to get a great workout.
  • It’s short enough to fit into a busy schedule.
  • You can burn about 500 calories at this time.
  • It keeps you engaged without getting bored.

Tips for Time Management:

  1. Arrive Early: Get there 15 minutes before class to set up your bike.
  2. Stay for Stretching: Don’t skip the cool-down. It’s important for your muscles.
  3. Plan Your Schedule: Remember to include time for changing and showering after class.

Class Length Comparison Table:

Class Type Duration Best For
Standard 45 mins Regular workout
Soul30 30 mins Quick fitness fix
Special 60-90 mins Extra challenge

Remember, no matter which class length you choose, you’re in for a great workout. Pick the one that fits your schedule and fitness goals best!

How Much is SoulCycle NYC Cost Per Month? [SoulCycle NYC Pricing]

Let’s talk money. SoulCycle isn’t cheap, but they offer different ways to pay. You can buy single classes, packs of classes, or monthly memberships. Here’s the breakdown:

Single Classes and Class Packs

SoulCycle lets you buy classes one at a time or in packs. Buying more classes at once can save you money. Here’s what it looks like:

Package Number of Classes Price Cost Per Class
Single Class 1 $36+ $36
5-Pack 5 $175 $35
10-Pack 10 $315 $31.50
20-Pack 20 $580 $29

These prices are from January 2024 and might change

Things to Know About Class Packs:

  • You can share them with friends.
  • They have expiration dates (from 30 days to 1 year).
  • The more classes you buy, the more you save.

Soul Renew: Monthly Unlimited Classes

If you want to ride a lot, Soul Renew might be for you. It’s like a gym membership – you pay each month and can take as many classes as you want.

There are three options:

  1. Soul Renew 3
    • $196 per month
    • You have to sign up for at least 3 months
  2. Soul Renew 5
    • $176 per month
    • You have to sign up for at least 5 months
  3. Soul Renew 10
    • $156 per month
    • You have to sign up for at least 10 months

Which Option is Best?

  • If you ride 2-3 times a week, a class pack might be best.
  • If you ride 4+ times a week, Soul Renew could save you money.
  • If you’re not sure, start with single classes or a small pack.

Extra Costs to Remember:

  • You might need to buy special shoes (about $150).
  • Water and towels are extra at some studios.

Money-Saving Tips:

  1. Look for sales around holidays.
  2. Some jobs offer fitness discounts – check with your company.
  3. Invite a friend – sometimes you can get a free class.

Remember, these prices are for NYC. SoulCycle might cost less in other cities. Always check the website for the most up-to-date prices.

How Much is the SoulCycle At-Home App?

Can’t make it to the studio? No problem! SoulCycle has an app for at-home workouts. Here’s what you need to know about the SoulCycle At-Home App:


What’s the App?

  • It’s called SoulCycle At-Home.
  • You can use it with or without the SoulCycle bike.
  • It has lots of cycling classes you can do at home.

App Pricing Options:

  1. Single Class
    • Cost: $32
    • Good for trying it out
  2. Class Packs
    • 5 rides for $125 ($25 per class)
    • 10 rides for $220 ($22 per class)
    • Saves money if you use it often
  3. Monthly Subscription
    • Cost: $44 per month
    • Unlimited classes
    • Best deal if you use it a lot

Comparing App to Studio Prices:

  • The app is cheaper than studio classes.
  • A single app class ($32) costs less than a single studio class ($36+).
  • The monthly app fee ($44) is way less than unlimited studio classes.

What You Get with the App:

  • Lots of different classes
  • New classes added often
  • Classes you can do without a bike (like strength training)

Do You Need the SoulCycle Bike?

  • No, you don’t need the SoulCycle bike to use the app.
  • But, the bike makes the experience more like being in the studio.
  • The SoulCycle At-Home Bike costs about $2,500.

Pros of the App:

  • Cheaper than studio classes
  • You can work out anytime
  • No need to travel to a studio

Cons of the App:

  • You miss out on the studio atmosphere
  • No in-person instructor
  • Need your own bike or exercise equipment

Is the App Worth It?

  • If you love SoulCycle but can’t go to the studio often, yes!
  • If you’re new to SoulCycle, try a studio class first if you can.
  • It’s a good option if you want to save money but still get the SoulCycle experience.

Remember, prices might change, so always check the SoulCycle website for the latest info. The app can be a great way to get your SoulCycle fix without breaking the bank!

Why Is SoulCycle So Expensive?

You might be wondering, “Why does SoulCycle cost so much?” It’s true, that SoulCycle is pricier than many other workout classes. Let’s break down the reasons:

1. Fancy Studios

  • SoulCycle Studios is not your average gym.
  • They have mood lighting, candles, and great sound systems.
  • The rooms are designed to make you feel special.

2. Top-Notch Instructors

  • SoulCycle hires the best fitness teachers.
  • These instructors get special training.
  • Many become local celebrities!

3. Prime Locations

  • Studios are in popular, easy-to-reach areas.
  • Rent in these spots is very expensive.

4. Small Class Sizes

  • Classes don’t have too many people.
  • This means you get more attention from the instructor.

5. High-Tech Bikes

  • The bikes at SoulCycle are top-of-the-line.
  • They’re smooth, quiet, and built to last.

6. The “Cool Factor”

  • SoulCycle is seen as trendy and exclusive.
  • People pay extra to be part of this “cool club”.

7. Extra Amenities

  • Nice changing rooms
  • Fancy soap and hair products
  • Sometimes even phone charging stations

8. Brand Partnerships

  • SoulCycle teams up with popular brands.
  • This adds to their “premium” image.

9. Community Feel

  • They host events outside of class.
  • This builds a sense of belonging, which people value.

10. Marketing

  • SoulCycle spends a lot on advertising.
  • This cost gets passed on to customers.

Is It Worth the Price? That depends on what you value:

  • If you love the atmosphere and community, it might be worth it.
  • If you just want a workout, there are cheaper options.

Ways to Make SoulCycle More Affordable:

  1. Look for package deals.
  2. Go during off-peak hours (sometimes cheaper).
  3. Use the at-home app instead of studio classes.
  4. Check for student or new rider discounts.

Remember, expensive doesn’t always mean better. It’s okay if SoulCycle isn’t in your budget. There are lots of great, less expensive workout options out there too!

Does SoulCycle Offer a Free Trial or Guest Pass?

Good news! If you want to try SoulCycle without spending money, you’re in luck. SoulCycle does offer a way to try it for free. Here’s what you need to know:

The Free First Class

  • SoulCycle offers one free class to first-time riders.
  • This is only for people who have never been to SoulCycle before.
  • It’s a great way to see if you like it before you buy.

How to Get Your Free Class:

  1. Go to the SoulCycle website.
  2. Look for the “First Class Free” option.
  3. Sign up for an account.
  4. Book your free class at any NYC location.

Things to Know:

  • You can book up to 7 days in advance.
  • Classes fill up fast, so book early!
  • You might need to wait for a spot to open up.

What’s Included:

  • A full 45-minute class
  • Use of cycling shoes (usually costs extra)
  • A towel

After Your Free Class:

  • If you like it, you can buy more classes.
  • Single classes cost $36 or more.
  • Class packs give you a discount.

Tips for Your First Class:

  1. Arrive 15 minutes early to set up.
  2. Wear comfortable workout clothes.
  3. Bring water and a small snack for after.
  4. Don’t be shy – ask for help if you need it!

Is There a Catch?

  • Not really! It’s truly free.
  • But remember, they hope you’ll like it and come back.

Other Ways to Save:

  • Sometimes SoulCycle has special deals for new riders.
  • They might offer discounts around holidays.
  • Check their social media for promotions.

The free first class is a great deal. It lets you experience SoulCycle without any risk. If you’ve been curious about it, this is your chance to try it!


What to Expect from SoulCycle Classes?

Thinking about trying SoulCycle? Great! Here’s what you can expect when you walk into a class:

The Room

  • It’s dark, like a nightclub.
  • Candles are lit for a calm vibe.
  • Bikes are close together.

The Bike

  • It’s not your average exercise bike.
  • It has a heavy wheel for more resistance.
  • You’ll need special shoes that clip in.

The Music

  • It’s loud and energetic.
  • Expect pop, hip-hop, and dance music.
  • The instructor picks the playlist.

The Instructor

  • They’re more like a motivational coach.
  • They’ll push you to work hard.
  • Expect lots of encouragement.

The Workout

  1. Warm-Up: About 5 minutes to get ready.
  2. Main Ride: 35-40 minutes of:
    • Sprints (going fast)
    • Hills (lots of resistance)
    • Choreography (moving to the music)
  3. Arms: A short section with light weights.
  4. Cool Down: Slowing down and stretching.

Types of Moves You’ll Do:

  • Tap backs (moving your butt back on the seat)
  • Crunches on the bike
  • Standing up while pedaling
  • Push-ups on the handlebars

The Vibe

  • It feels like a dance party.
  • People often cheer and clap.
  • There’s a strong sense of community.

After Class

  • You’ll be sweaty!
  • There are showers and changing rooms.
  • People often hang out and chat.

Things to Remember:

  1. Bring water – you’ll need it.
  2. Wear clothes you can move in.
  3. Don’t eat a big meal right before.
  4. It’s okay to take breaks if you need to.

Is It Hard?

  • It can be challenging, especially at first.
  • But you can go at your own pace.
  • No one will judge you if you need to slow down.

SoulCycle is more than just a workout – it’s an experience. It might feel overwhelming at first, but many people find it addictive. Give it a try and see what you think!


Is SoulCycle Beginner Friendly?

Thinking about trying SoulCycle but worried it might be too hard? Don’t stress! While SoulCycle is known for being intense, it can be good for beginners too. Here’s what you need to know:

The Good News for Beginners

  1. You Control the Difficulty
    • You decide how hard to push yourself.
    • No one can see how much resistance you’re using.
  2. Supportive Instructors
    • They offer options for new riders.
    • They’ll help you set up your bike.
  3. Dark Room
    • No one can see if you’re struggling.
    • It helps you focus on yourself.
  4. Motivating Atmosphere
    • The music and energy can help you push through.

Challenges for Beginners

  1. Fast Pace
    • Classes move quickly.
    • It might take time to get used to the rhythm.
  2. Complicated Moves
    • Some movements can be tricky at first.
    • It’s okay if you can’t do everything right away.
  3. Intense Workout
    • You might get tired quickly.
    • Your legs might be sore the next day.

Tips for First-Time Riders

  1. Tell the Instructor You’re New
    • They’ll give you extra help.
    • They might check on you during class.
  2. Arrive Early
    • Get there 15 minutes before class starts.
    • This gives you time to set up and ask questions.
  3. Start with the Basics
    • Focus on pedaling and posture first.
    • Add in arm movements when you’re comfortable.
  4. Listen to Your Body
    • Take breaks if you need to.
    • It’s okay to sit down or slow down.
  5. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
    • Everyone was a beginner once.
    • Focus on your own progress.

Beginner-Friendly Options

  • Some studios offer “beginner” or “intro” classes.
  • These move slower and explain more.
  • Ask at the front desk about the best class for new riders.

What to Bring

  • Water bottle
  • Small towel
  • Comfortable workout clothes
  • Positive attitude!


  • It’s normal to feel lost in your first few classes.
  • You’ll get better with each ride.
  • No one is judging you – they’re focused on their workout.

Is It Worth Trying? Yes! SoulCycle can be a fun challenge for beginners. Just remember to go at your own pace and enjoy the experience. With time, you’ll get stronger and more confident on the bike.


Can You Use SoulCycle At-Home Bike Without Subscription?

SoulCycle now offers an at-home bike for $2,500. But can you use it without paying for classes? Let’s break it down:

The Short Answer: Yes, but…

You can use the SoulCycle At-Home Bike without a subscription, but you’ll miss out on a lot. Here’s what you need to know:

What You Can Do Without a Subscription:

  1. Free Ride Mode
    • You can pedal and adjust resistance.
    • The screen shows basic stats like speed and distance.
  2. Manual Resistance
    • You can make the ride harder or easier.
  3. Use Your Music
    • Play music from your phone or another device.

What You’re Missing Without a Subscription:

  1. SoulCycle Classes
    • No access to live or on-demand classes.
  2. Instructor Guidance
    • No motivational coaching or workout structure.
  3. Music Playlists
    • Miss out on specially curated music.
  4. Performance Tracking
    • Can’t save your ride history or track progress over time.
  5. Community Features
    • No leaderboards or ability to ride with friends.

Subscription Costs:

  • Monthly app subscription: $44
  • This gives you unlimited access to classes.

Is It Worth Using Without a Subscription?

  • If you just want a basic spin bike, it can work.
  • But you’re not getting the full SoulCycle experience.
  • It’s like buying a smart TV and only using it as a regular TV.

Alternatives to Consider:

  1. Use Another Fitness App
    • Some apps work with any spin bike.
    • They’re often cheaper than SoulCycle’s subscription.
  2. Create Your Workouts
    • Make playlists and design your rides.
    • This takes more effort but can be fun.
  3. Occasional Subscriptions
    • Sign up for a month here and there.
    • Good for mixing things up.

Top Alternatives to SoulCycle NYC 2024

Love cycling but looking for options beyond SoulCycle? NYC has plenty! Here are some top alternatives that might fit your style or budget better:


1. Flywheel Sports

  • What’s Special: Competitive rides with a scoreboard
  • Price: Similar to SoulCycle
  • Vibe: More athletic, less dance-y

2. Peloton

  • What’s Special: At-home bikes with live classes
  • Price: Cheaper in the long run
  • Vibe: High-tech, convenient

3. Cyc Fitness

  • What’s Special: Uses heart rate monitors
  • Price: Often cheaper than SoulCycle
  • Vibe: Sports-inspired workouts

4. SWERVE Fitness

  • What’s Special: Team-based cycling
  • Price: Slightly less than SoulCycle
  • Vibe: Competitive and social

5. Revolve

  • What’s Special: Three types of rides (Body, Brain, Battle)
  • Price: Comparable to SoulCycle
  • Vibe: Varied, something for everyone

6. Crunch Gym Cycling Classes

  • What’s Special: Part of a full gym membership
  • Price: Much cheaper if you use other gym equipment too
  • Vibe: More casual, less boutique

7. Equinox Cycling (The Pursuit)

  • What’s Special: High-end gym with data-driven rides
  • Price: Expensive, but part of full gym access
  • Vibe: Luxury fitness experience


  • What’s Special: Smaller classes, more personal attention
  • Price: Similar to SoulCycle
  • Vibe: Intimate, community feel

9. BYKlyn

  • What’s Special: Brooklyn-based, laid-back atmosphere
  • Price: Often cheaper than Manhattan studios
  • Vibe: Neighborhood feel, less intense

10. Your Local YMCA

  • What’s Special: Basic cycling classes at an affordable price
  • Price: Much cheaper than boutique studios
  • Vibe: No-frills, community-oriented

Things to Consider When Choosing:

  1. Budget: How much can you spend?
  2. Location: Is it convenient to get to?
  3. Class Style: Do you prefer dance-y or athletic?
  4. Community: How important is the social aspect?
  5. Additional Perks: Do you want a full gym or just cycling?

Remember, the best cycling class is the one you’ll go to regularly. Try a few different options to see what fits you best!


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Whew! We’ve spun through a lot of information about SoulCycle NYC and its alternatives. Let’s wrap it up:

SoulCycle: More Than Just a Workout

  • It’s a high-energy, music-driven cycling experience.
  • Classes are challenging but can be adapted for beginners.
  • The community aspect is a big draw for many riders.

The Cost Factor

  • SoulCycle is on the pricier side of fitness classes.
  • But many feel the experience justifies the cost.
  • There are ways to save, like class packs and new rider discounts.

Is It Worth It?

  • For some, absolutely! The atmosphere and workout are unbeatable.
  • For others, the cost might be too high for regular attendance.
  • It often comes down to personal preference and budget.

Alternatives Abound

  • NYC offers many cycling options at various price points.
  • From high-tech Peloton to team-based SWERVE, there’s something for everyone.
  • Don’t be afraid to shop around and try different studios.

The Bottom Line SoulCycle has made a name for itself in NYC for good reason. It offers a unique, energetic workout that many find addictive.

But it’s not the only game in town. Whether you choose SoulCycle or another option, the important thing is finding a workout you love and will stick with.


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